Applications are accepted at this time for a new home in Mauston.
Have you ever dreamed of owning your own home? Are you living in sub-standard living conditions? Then consider becoming a partner family with Habitat for Humanity. Habitat for Humanity of Adams County WI, in coordination with USDA, is seeking homeowner applications. The applications are open and willing participants are encouraged to apply. Basic applicant requirements include but not limited to: Being without decent, safe or sanitary housing. Being unable to obtain a loan from other sources. Having gainful employment or other income source. Agreeing to occupy the property as your primary residence. Having the legal capacity to incur a loan obligation. Meeting citizenship or legal non-citizen requirements. To not be suspended or debarred from participation in federal programs. Willingness to partner with Habitat through sweat equity requirements.
Please print off all the documents below: the Family Application, the USDA-pre-qual-form Application, the Authorization to Release Information (1 for each adult in the household), and the Privacy Waiver (1 for each adult in the household).
Fill them out and either drop them off at the Mauston Restore (N3696 US Hwy 12/16 Mauston, WI 53948) Hours are; Tuesday-Saturday 10AM-4PM
Or, send it to;
Habitat for Humanity of Adams & Juneau County
P.O. Box 100
Mauston, WI 53948
Income guidelines for Adams and Juneau Counties in Wisconsin, USDA Direct Income limits:
less than $69,300.00 gross income for 1-4 person households
less than $91,500.00 gross income for 5-8 person households
Use this first. eligibility tool. By no means is this a definite acceptance or denial.
Find the Habitat for Humanity Application Here: This form should be mailed or dropped off at the ReStore the hours above. Do not send the Habitat for Humanity application to USDA
Find the USDA Application Here:
Find the Authorization to Release Information Form Here: One for each adult in the household
Find the Privacy Waiver Here: One for each adult in the household
Who Is Protected By Equal Opportunity Housing Laws?
As part of various pieces of legislation aimed at creating equal housing opportunity, home buyers cannot be discriminated against on the basis of any of the following protected characteristics:
- Race
- Creed
- Color
- National origin
- Sexual orientation
- Military status
- Age
- Gender
- Marital status
- Disability
- Religion
- Familial status
- Whether any part of their income comes from public assistance programs like Social Security or Supplemental Security Income
- Whether an applicant for a mortgage or rental assistance has exercised any of their rights under the Consumer Credit Protection Act of 1968 or similar state laws